2019 Speakers


Jared Jordan

Jared has been leading engineering teams for nearly 15 years. Jared is currently driving a cross-platform team focused on building Netflix Original user interfaces. His core responsibilities include managing feature development and building an inclusive high-performance team for Netflix. In addition to day job, Jared has gotten involved in driving diversity efforts in engineering organizations and as a result, has helped reshape the company’s efforts in inclusivity. Prior to Netflix, Jared has run Evernote’s growth engineering and commerce platform organization. Jared successfully managed teams and led innovative dev programs at various Silicon Valley giants. At Ericsson, he launched cloud-based TV apps for mobile devices. At Microsoft, he helped the company’s for MSN Mobile, Bing Mobile, and worked on Skydrive the windows 8 modern file explorer. And at Motorola, he worked on the development of PBL, Razr 2 and Sidekick software for mobile devices. Jared’s not just a software tinkerer and large-scale problem solver. He’s also a husband and father of three, an avid follower of Christ, and craft beer connoisseur. And on top of it all, he’s a member of Dev Color’s A* Program where he empowers fellow Black software engineers to help them achieve their career goals.

Being Original and Leading in Software Engineering