2019 Events

Next-Generation End-to-End Testing with Cypress

Wednesday June 5, 9:00 AM (45 min)

We all want to consistently ship quality software. One of the best ways to do that is by end-to-end (E2E) testing our code as it simulates the real actions of our beloved users. Let’s be frank though, E2E testing is notoriously time-consuming, expensive, slow, and often flaky. Unfortunately, these issues lead to developers doing very little to no E2E testing, and taking solace in a plethora of unit-tests that cannot fully test the intended experience of users. We can do better. In this hands-on session, we’ll dive deep into using Cypress, an open-source tool that enables us to easily and beautifully write flake-free, reliable, deterministic E2E tests for our web applications. Like a good friend, E2E tests should be there to give us confidence in the software we ship down the wire.
